I write often of how much I appreciate all the comments left hear for my on the blog, I read and cherish everyone. Occasionally, I get a comment in which someone doesn’t agree with all of my thoughts. I welcome these comments as they cause me to pause and think, which is always a good thing. What I share is all “According to Miq”. Now “Miq” has never claimed to be right on everything or really on much of anything. I will never again allow myself to be drawn into defending my thoughts as this is my blog and my thoughts are my thoughts, but I so welcome others to share theirs. Similarly, I will never try to put anyone on the spot by asking them to defend their position if shared. That is unless you are family. lol.

Many times I have written that I do believe our God has a plan in place for all of us. This is actually a topic I have pondered on, meditated on many times trying to come to an understanding of some sort that make some kind of sense in my own mind. I see seeking the truth, seeking answers is a life time quest of all. I also see that the answer or the truth may appear different to each and every one of us, hence “Free Will”.

What do I believe or maybe better put what makes the most sense to me?

I believe each of us come into this world with lessons to learn, lessons to teach and missions to accomplish. It would be so much easier if we in fact knew what these were but we don’t, and don’t need to know. Just accept we are here for a reason.

In my mind, it makes perfect sense. Maybe it is the word plan that confused what I am trying to say. The word “plan” may seem as something more detailed than I mean. Maybe if I referred to it as a broad outline may clarify it. I do believe there are certain times when we are predestined to be at specific locations to interact with specific people to either learn or teach lessons in life. The condition we are in, be it physical condition, emotional, mental or spiritual is left up to us and our free will. We can learn life lessons from absolutely everyone as can they from us. We just need to have our hearts open to give and receive.

Someone may ask: “I am a physical, emotional, spiritual wreck what lessons could I possibly have to teach?” Specifics for anyone individual, well obviously, I do not know. I do know there indeed are things I can learn from every single individual on this planet, and that means you. Just as I know I have something I can share and teach. Every day as we interact with others, who knows what subtle little life lessons we are passing on. The recipient of our lesson may well not even realize it either, but it is lock away somewhere down in the sub conscious to be possibly drawn on at some point in the future, this is psychology a course I withdrew. lol.

God, is All Knowing. To me it is ridiculous to think there could ever be something I could say or do that would, “catch Him by surprise”. That applies to all of us. I believe according to the “plan” we will be placed in situations from time to time where we can indeed learn to become strong better people. This is where our individual free will comes into play. We will be placed into situations or encounter people from whom we can learn and grow as people. Here that choice becomes ours. We can learn and grow as spiritual beings or flounder and wallow (new words in my vocab).

I see it that, God, recognizes we are just human, with human weaknesses and shortcomings. He does not expect perfection but just for us to keep trying. Trying not to just get through life but to use this physical experience to grow as spiritual beings. He loves us and wants to help us to learn and grow just as any parent wants for their children. To help us, there comes the “plan”, in which we will continually be presented with growth opportunities. We are not presented with problems in life; we are presented with learning, growth opportunities.

For me, I am obviously a slow learner. Time and time again, I seem to be presented with the same type of leaning/growth opportunities. I will continue to plod away, utilizing my way as the right way.

What are your thoughts on this?

  1. Mel Carter says:

    There are few things that I know for certain–but one of the few things I DO know is that we’re all G-d’s kiddos and we each have a right to be here.

  2. Jamal Panwahar says:

    I’m very clear I have free-will!
    (And LOTS OF IT.)
    And I do believe the Master has a Plan for my life. Thankfully, He ain’t done with me yet…I’m pretty convinced I’m on this planet cuz of His grace. Medical science can’t explain why I’m on this planet still……that’s not proof for me, but it does add to the ‘argument’. (not that I’m arguing!….I trust what I know…)

    I love God.

    It’s inarguable that He loves me.
    He’s God.
    That’s a given even if I tried like the dickens to discount that fact of God’s existence. I was more worried about me being ‘unloveable’ than I was about the power and glory and grace of God.

    What’s been arguable was my love for Him.

  3. Salman Ateeq says:

    I see it that, God, recognizes we are just human, with human weaknesses and shortcomings. He does not expect perfection but just for us to keep trying.

  4. Safina abrar says:

    Cool Stuff…

  5. Sameen Shah says:

    Post appreciated 🙂

  6. Sabika Khan says:

    I trust what I know…)

  7. Sara Parker says:

    As always, you are in my prayers.

    (Try to keep your gown closed in the breeze this time, okay?)

  8. sara says:

    Impressive, it all over the internet now. popular man

  9. Chandra Sen says:

    Read me at koel.blogspot.com

  10. Jo Hart says:

    eye catching and impressive

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